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Tim Cullen took me up on my feature request for blogging tool vendors.
A few links.
1. This is my Drupal test website.
2. My username is Dave Winer. He mailed me my password.
3. The URL of the MetaWeblog API is here.
I think I have everything I need to test it.
Hours later...
After a lot of fumbling and guessing and support from Tim, I was able to get metaweblog.newpost to create a new post.
Let's see if, when I do a metaweblog.getpost, I get back the source code.
metaweblog.getpost failed, but this time I got an error response. (Earlier errors were silent.)
The server, yiwen.pair.com, returned error code -32602: Server error. Invalid method parameters.
The only one that seems could be causing the problem is the postid which I sent across as the number 6.
Then I changed it to the string 6 and it worked.
Did it return a value for postSource? It did. Was it what I sent?
Yeah it looks pretty good.