Saw a note from Ross Mayfield on Twitter about a Google-Plus vanity URL shortener, He says it will go viral because it fills a gap. I thought the same thing when I looked at it. Usernames on Google-Plus are long strings of numbers. Obviously names should be mnemonic and memorable. Bravo for the entrepreneurial spirit for fixing this so quickly.
Or, perhaps Google will re-invent? After all they must have thought of ways to give users short memorable names? It's not that hard a technical problem, evidenced by the speed at which showed up (less than a week after launch). If they bought them how much should they pay? And how will Google employees feel about a developer getting rich from what they will surely see as a few days' worth of work, when most of them aren't likely to get rich for working much harder for much longer. These are the usual face-offs between developers and corporate platforms. It'll be interesting to see how Google deals with these questions. Also if you're aware of any instant add-ons to Google-Plus, please post a link in the comments, below. |