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Moving from GoDaddy to Hover
By Dave Winer on Thursday, October 27, 2011 at 3:32 PM.

As an experiment I moved four of my domains to hover.com, to see how painless the process is, and frankly to be sure it works, before deciding whether I should move the rest of my godaddy-registered domains. #

Neither company has, imho, easy docs showing how to do it. So I thought I should take some notes as I transfer a domain. #

How To: #

1. Go to the Domains page on Godaddy. #

2. Click on the name of the domain you want to move. #

3. Click the Send By Email link next to the Authorization Code item. Screen shot#

4. Check your email. You should have received a message containing the authorization code. Leave this panel open in your browser, or copy the authorization code to the clipboard.  #

5. Go to the Domains page on Hover. Click the Add New button. Then click on Transfer a domain to Hover#

6. From that point the process is self-documenting.  #

If you have trouble:  #

1. Be sure the domain is unlocked at GoDaddy. #

2. Be sure you have the privacy feature at GoDaddy disabled for this domain. #

Sneaky Godaddy (what else is new): #

When you get the email from Godaddy acknowledging the transfer request, they say "If you want to proceed with this transfer, you may accept it immediately or do nothing. If you wish to cancel the transfer prior to the auto-complete date, you must decline it before <fiveDaysInFuture>." They give you two different links for killing the transfer, but no links to "accept it immediately." #

Luckily this one is not hard to figure out. :-) #

1. Go to the My Account page on Godaddy. #

2. Click on the Transfer tab. Screen shot#

3. Click on the name of a domain.  #

4. Click on the Accept/Decline icon. Screen shot#

The rest is self-explanatory. #

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