A heretofore untold Steve Jobs story
Dave Winer on Tuesday, March 13, 2012 at 7:45 PM.
I'm going to say it was 2005 or 2006. 
I was having lunch in San Francisco with Dean Hachamovitch and Robert Scoble. This was when Scoble was working at Microsoft. We were probably talking about RSS, because Hachamovitch, who I've known for many years, was then running Microsoft's browser team, and they were making a big push into RSS. They wanted my endorsement, which I sort of gave, even though they didn't take my advice. 
Anyway, as we were leaving the restaurant, all of a sudden we're talking with Steve Jobs. I have no recollection of who saw who, or who said what to whom to get this conversation going. And it wasn't really a conversation cause Jobs did all the talking. He was telling Dean how they were doing all this cool stuff that Microsoft was certainly going to steal so they should pay attention. Jobs complained that Microsoft never does anything original and is always stealing ideas from Apple. 
I tried to stay out of Jobs's line of sight. 
You know what he was ranting about? Podcasting. 
Actually a reallllly nice moment, in a Jobsian way. 
Maybe Dean or Scoble remember some other part of the discussion. 