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It's all bubble gas
By Dave Winer on Tuesday, March 13, 2012 at 7:16 PM.
A picture named waterWithGas.jpgYahoo sucks. They sued Facebook for patents. Sigh. permalink
I would be up in arms if that's all there was. If patents weren't already gumming up the works in other areas.  permalink
And anyway, why should I care. It's not as if these companies, all of them, Facebook very much included, aren't just bubble gas, top to bottom. permalink
Twitter is all bubble gas too. The money is real, to the extent that money is real -- but the companies are jokes. The whole thing is based on doing to users what Yahoo is doing to Facebook. permalink
Sell products and services to people, and then you have a right to get indignant when a sorry crippled hand-me-down like Yahoo turns into a patent troll.  permalink
There are only a handful of companies in this industry that are set up to survive the bubble pop. Apple and Amazon, are probably the two strongest ones. Why? They earn profits from selling products to users. Bing. permalink
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