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Republican philosophy, day 2
By Dave Winer on Friday, March 30, 2012 at 10:58 AM.
A picture named sadElephant.gifYesterday's Republican Philosophy piece was a big hit. permalink
I have to admit it was something of a breakthrough for me. Though they've been upfront about both pillars of their platform. They are all about money. And they don't like you. permalink
Nothing wrong with money, btw. I like it too. But I'm not all about money. I am therefore, not a Republican.  permalink
So in the blowback from this, I learned even more about Republicans. Again, things I knew before but hadn't seen very clearly. permalink
Observation: Republicans act like pricks and then complain when you don't love them. It sounds crazy when you say it like that, but it's totally observable. I wonder if they know they do it.  permalink
And you have to give credit to Romney and Cheney and even the Bushes because they aren't like that. It's as if it never occurred to them that it mattered what you thought. Cheney, bless him, says it directly, clearly and unambiguously.  permalink
These are some cold-blooded people. Who hire good marketing people who have them hold up banners saying they're really compassionate. Good guy to drink a beer with. How much you want to bet we see pictures of Mitt Romney drinking a beer. Relaxing after a tough primary fight. Wearing jeans. Being a human being. A Republican version of a human being. permalink
All of this is preamble to an idea that needs a warmup because it's so chilling. permalink
Getting rid of health care is an effective voter suppression technique. Why pay for health care to maintain the lives of people who are going to vote against you. Sick people have trouble getting to the polls. Dead people even more so.  permalink
Like I said, it's pretty cold. But knowing the Republicans, yeah -- they are that depraved.  permalink
One more thing. I know some people who vote Republican are good people and would never support anything like this. If you want to stay a Republican, then you have to stop it. You can't have it both ways, vote along with these people, and disclaim responsibility. permalink
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