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The Republican philosophy
By Dave Winer on Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 5:08 PM.
A picture named hello.jpgI think I finally understand. And the understanding came from listening. Listening to Mitt Romney, who, whether they like it or not, is the leader of the Republican Party. And here's what he said. permalink
I have a lot of money. I got it the right way. I inherited a lot of it, and then I made a lot more. Every year I make a hundred million or more. Money is a big deal for me. And in that way I represent Republicans everywhere. permalink
Now I know what you all want. You want my money. Hey if I were you I'd want my money too.  permalink
Here's what I have to say to that: Fuck You.  permalink
I have my money and it's mine and you can't have it and that's that. permalink
In summary. permalink
1. My money is mine.  permalink
2. Fuck you. permalink
Those are the two basic tenets of the Republican philosophy. permalink
PS: I also listened to the Republican members of the Supreme Court. permalink
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