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rss-apps mail list
By Dave Winer on Tuesday, April 10, 2012 at 12:07 PM.
A picture named loveRss.jpgI've been emailing with a number of people who are working on apps that use RSS. Every time this happens, I think we should have a public mail list for this, but then I think of all the crazyness that happened in the past on RSS mail lists, and I move on to something else. This morning, I decided it was time. There's too much of a backlog of new stuff to talk about and evangelize. If there's an outbreak of mean people I'll turn moderation on, and if necessary just shut the list off. Hopefully that will be enough to keep the discussion focused on solving problems and helping people. :-) permalink
I posted a note about this to my linkblog, so there are already a few members. permalink
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