When I saw the new Readlists feature from Arc90, the company that makes Readability, my first reaction was if they had a feed for each list, it would be a linkblogging service with a very nice benefit -- all the articles it linked to would be very nicely readable.
![]() Well, it turns out they do provide a feed. If you just add /feed at the end of any readlist URL, you'll get a nice RSS 2.0 feed.
![]() A little feedback for the developers. I got confused making this readlist, thinking I was adding items to my list when I accessed the Chrome plug-in and chose Read It Later from the menu. They really need a bookmarklet for this feature. Copy/pasting URLs is way too slow.
![]() Another source of confusion. What's the difference between a reading list and a readlist. Maybe they should be the same thing?
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