My Prop 8 blog post from 2008

Yesterday I was going to write a post trying to explain what it was like for me when I first met a man who was married to another man, but I found that I didn't need to. I had written a post in 2008, just after Prop 8 passed, where I told the story. In 2008 I had the politically-correct opinion for today, but in a way I wish I hadn't. I resent anyone trying to force me to think one way or another. And retroactively!

This is one of the reasons writing a blog is so important. I wanted to remember that moment, just after Prop 8 had passed, because I was sure change would happen, and things would flip around. Because I have the post, I have no doubt what I was thinking at the time.

The obvious point -- eventually the shock will dissipate, and there will be a time when people don't understand why something like Prop 8 would pass. Transitions like this take time. There's no other way. But this change is coming, for sure.

It shouldn't be so hard to remember what it was like before we changed. This is a skill we need to use and develop, if we want to avoid mistakes of the past and make progress on the vexing problems before us.

When I was a kid, if you had asked me would the US ever again fight an optional war, I would have said no. Not after the misery of Vietnam. But not only did we do it, we did it while the generation that grew up with Vietnam was in power.

Now that the Mozilla conflict has been resolved, perhaps now would be a good time to reflect not so much on what's right and wrong, because we all have different values about that, and they change, but on what outcome we want.

Suppose in eight years we have in-your-face evidence that we've destroyed the climate. Millions of people displaced, homeless, everywhere, on every continent. What will we do? Find and punish the people who stood in the way of preventing this? Or will we get on with saving what we can of our lives? Obviously the second choice is the best answer.

We're at a point where we can change re same-sex marriage and CEOs of corporations, and litmus tests, etc. Political diversity and freedom of expression are at stake, regardless of what the advocates tell you. If you haven't spoken up, now would be a good time to. Only people with extreme positions tend to speak on these matters. And that's why most of us get caught in the middle of their fighting, without really understanding what it's about. This is one of those times when it would be good to say what you stand for.

BTW, remember the guidelines for comments. Add a fact or simple perspective, no speeches, or posts-in-comments. Use your own space to be passionate. Comments are just for simple, not personal, ideas.

Last built: Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 11:23 AM

By Dave Winer, Saturday, April 5, 2014 at 11:05 AM. Ask not what the Internet can do for you...