An update on a new product I shipped on Tuesday night called Happy Friends.
It's a mailbox-style reader for Twitter.
It's also an outliner, so you can organize the tweets you read into any kind of list you like, including structure (lists within lists).
It's a JavaScript app that runs in the browser, coupled with a server app written in node.js. So it's all JavaScript from top to bottom. The server component runs on Heroku.
It's going to hook into Fargo, which is a powerful web CMS, among other things. This means it will be possible to publish tweets on web pages with flexibility never-before attainable. And we'll do this being faithful to Twitter's guidelines for publishing tweets. You'll probably want to use this tool in your work.
Here's a screen shot of Happy Friends in action.
Here's a narrative of how the product came to be.
Here's a getting started doc.
Here's a video that shows how it works.
If you have questions, my email address is
I hope you like Happy Friends!
Dave Winer