
  1. It's a gender-specific putdown, like saying a woman is emotional, or a black person "uppity."

  2. Not only is it rude, unfair, and a lot of other negative things, it also says that the accuser has no real objection to what the person is saying. If they did, why resort to an ad hominem attack.

  3. If you're being lectured at, condescended to, how about walking away?

  4. The term is also wildly misused. How could a blog post be mansplaining? Yet I've heard it said many times that a blog post is. (You're not cornered, you can always hit the Back button, and it's not making any assumptions about gender of the reader, blog posts are read by people of all genders, races, ages etc.)

  5. Women do it too.

  6. I've read all the literature on it. No need to send pointers.

  7. If the term is a feminist ideal, to label a bad behavior so people can see it, it has backfired. The term is most often used to shut people up, to shame them.

Last built: Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 11:23 AM

By Dave Winer, Wednesday, April 16, 2014 at 9:37 AM. We don't need no stinkin rock stars.