It's even worse than it appears.
Good morning new-product-from-Apple fans. 🍎#
You know who cares what Hillary Clinton has to say?#
Serious fake news. You hear this idea all over the place. The Russians couldn't have known to target Facebook users without help from Americans. This is a crazy idea. Russia is on the Internet. Data moves around the net very easily. Someone in Moscow could have just as much info about America as someone in Boston. Crazy. #
Melo, if you want respect, take a chance. No glory for you available on the Knicks. Find a cause worth fighting for. #
Got a report that clicking on tabs on mobile devices does not work. I am able to reproduce it here. I will look into that first thing tomorrow, with a fresh start. It's been a long (successful) day! #
Update at 12:40PM Eastern: I replaced the old JS and CSS files with the new ones that support the tabbed home page. Here's an example of a month archive page, and a day archive page. They seem to work. I see a few CSS glitches. (The color of the wedges on the Twitter inclusions are wrong.) I still have to add the fix for arrow keys and Page Up and Down. #
The corner is turned. There are tabs on the home page. Still loose ends to tie up. I have to edit the links in the sidebar and on the About tab. Re-integrate the new JS file with the one used prior to this turn. Same with CSS. But the heavy lifting appears to be done as of 11:52AM Eastern. Knock wood. Praise Murphy. I am not a lawyer. It's even worse than it appears. 💥#
I tried watching the Apple keynote. I closed the window when he started talking about the new visitor center. I'm sorry, I don't care. #
What you think of yourself is more important than what others think of you.#
  • Briefly, I don't expect to want any of them. #
  • I have a watch, an iPhone 6, two iPads (one mini, one medium), an Apple TV, a PowerBook, two iMacs. #
  • Apple has made some compelling and useful products, but for now I'm happy with what I have. Let's see if anything announced changes that. I love computer lust. It's been a while. #

© 1994-2017 Dave Winer.

Last udpate: Tuesday September 12, 2017; 10:09 PM EDT.