It's even worse than it appears.
Thursday, September 21, 2017
There's a new My Projects section in the About outline. #
Roger Stone predicts a Civil War if Trump is impeached. What happens when they find out how they lost their health insurance?#
Experian writes to say my email address is on The Dark Web. They offer advice how to deal with it. Change your password. Buy $29 service from them. Buy the deluxe $109 service again of course from them (guessing at the prices, they don't say in the email). Okay first what is The Dark Web? I honestly have no idea. Second. I publish my email address on my blog. I don't in any way try to hide it. Experian is one of the three credit-rating agencies. This is dishonest. Deceitful. Sleazy.#
There are a lot of posts going up today of the form: "I was a healthy person subsidizing sick people until something bad happened and I needed health care." But that doesn't tell the whole story. I was a healthy person subsidizing sick people until I needed life-saving heart surgery 15 years ago. Because of a sequence of COBRA, RomneyCare and ObamaCare, I have been insured ever since. Each year because of my age, I pay huge premiums. At times as much as $1500 a month with high dedictibles. In the interim, each year I used a fraction of that amount of health care. In other words as a person with a pre-existing condition (the definition of not healthy) I have been subsidizing sick people who need more health care than I do, and am happy to do it. #
If your site pops up a dialog asking the reader to subscribe to an email newsletter, I won't post it to my linkblog. I'll find another site that explains the concept. Same with videos that autoplay. You really hate your users if you do that. I don't support sites that hate their users. #

© 1994-2017 Dave Winer.

Last udpate: Friday September 22, 2017; 9:09 AM EDT.