I guess Apple discontinued their AirPort routers because they decided wifi doesn't matter? Otherwise how are iPhone users supposed to connect to the net at home? Using Verizon? Really?? The other router choices are not that inpsiring. Except a friend pointed me to Google's router. Might have to give that a try. But of course Google will crunch all my packets and send copies to their death star. #
I’d like something between Zillow and Airbnb. I’m shopping for real estate in 10 different areas. Can’t make my mind up. Maybe I don’t want to. Maybe what I want is to spend a few months in each.#
I think Zillow will get there first. They are already starting to buy houses to flip them. What if they have to hold them for a while? They know exactly who might be interested in renting a house they just bought. (Because I faved it a year ago.)#
Here's another iteration. If enough people click a button on Zillow saying "Hey Zillow buy me this house" -- they will buy it. You have to commit to a six month lease at some time in the next X years. Some portion pre-paid. The rest they finance. #
We tend to flip in every major election. Nixon was followed by Carter. Carter by Reagan. Reagan by Bush I. Then Clinton, Bush II, Obama. Let's put it a different way. Evil then pure then charismatic then boring. Bubba, Bubba II (an exception to the flip-flop rule) then the professor (the black professor with a lot of hip-hop charm). In what country is Obama followed by Hillary Clinton? Not in America. Sorry Hillary.#
Things, social things, are changing very fast. Too fast for most. The biggest change? Same-sex marriage. This has nothing to do with wrong or right, it has to do with people's feelings. I think this kind of change is a good thing. If you ask most people they would probably agree. But the ballot is a private thing. You can vote on what makes you comfortable or against what makes you uncomfortable. People said they were voting for change, but in fact they were voting for the opposite. A return to normalcy. And what's more normal than a white male president?#
Speaking of comfort, Hillary, who I supported, who I campaigned for, who I thought would make an excellent president, was a terrible campaigner. She wasn't comfortable in her own skin. She was easily knocked off balance. This made people feel queasy about her. I supported her and her presence made me feel queasy. Queasy is the opposite of comfort. #
Enough people wanted to put the brakes on change. Too much. Let's have some normal. Unfortuantely for everyone the only choice to Hillary was Trump. He was normal enough to win. He was normal enough to be the yin to Obama's yang. It was totally predictable that Obama would be followed by a white male president. Trump sure is white and male, and not in a good way, imho (speaking as a white male myself).#
The moral of the story is this. We can return to some semblance of sanity in 2020 if we are willing to compromise. It won't be much of a compromise. The smart move is to find a white male Democrat who won't sell us out to the Kochs and Mercers. Yes a white male in the time of #metoo. You may not feel this is the person you want as president, but it is someone you can accept, as a compromise. You say you're tired of compromise? Well, when you're unwilling to compromise you get Trump. And if we aren't smart we'll get another four years of Trump in 2020. #