It's even worse than it appears.
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Here's the new XML-RPC debugger. May it help get the ball rolling! #
For-the-record blogging. For a few years Medium became the place that people would post essays that were meant to be on the public record. This was not a good idea, because Medium is a venture-backed startup, and was likely to pivot. What's on-the-record today must at least have the stated intention of being accessible tomorrow. That was never true of Medium. #
Now that I have my XML-RPC server and client for JavaScript, I've started to look for activity if any, in the RPC world, not just in XML but also JSON. Here's a survey written by Bruce Eckel in 2011. I could very easily add JSON support to my XML-RPC package, because it converts the request to JSON before processing it. Thinking about next steps. #
Elitism is obsolete. Yet journalism and tech cling to the concept. #
Braintrust query: Developer Tools Access it trying to take control of another process. Does my Mac have a virus? How can I get rid of this menacing dialog? Any help much appreciated. #

© 1994-2018 Dave Winer.

Last update: Wednesday May 30, 2018; 1:30 PM EDT.