It's even worse than it appears.
Monday, June 4, 2018
If we had public storage for end-users there would be no more Facebooks or GitHubs or any other locked up bulksit.#
Poll: Should a president be allowed to pardon him or herself?#
280-char FAQ. "GitHub is not git. They were losing money and having trouble finding a CEO. They had raised a shitload of money based on ideas that didn't pan out. So it was inevitable that they'd sell, but most developers, including myself, were caught by surprise."#
While watching the Warriors crush the Cavs last night, I thought up a new NBA rule. After you win a championship the team is disbanded. Re-shuffe the deck. It's the only way a New York team will ever make the playoffs. Unless they let us trade a whole team for our miserable Knicks or Nets. Obviously any trade would have to include the owner.#

© 1994-2018 Dave Winer.

Last update: Monday June 4, 2018; 8:12 PM EDT.