If you recall, I asked Flickr for the archive of my photos. I got most of them. Spent some time trying to understand the connection between the JSON bits and the JPEG bits. Finally found the correlation. Then I spent a day building a static site from all that info, and uploaded it to a folder on scripting.com, which is a bucket on Amazon S3. #
I like to hit the Random button and when I find something interesting, hit the prev button until I find the beginning of the sequence, and then hit the next button to go through them.#
I also included a link to the Scripting News blog page for the day the photo was taken. Often you'll get an idea of the context, where I was, what I was doing, maybe even some comments on the picture itself. I tended to upload pictures to Flickr when I was traveling somewhere. To Amsterdam, New Orleans, driving cross country, going to a political convention, or a tech conference. #