It's even worse than it appears..
Highly recommend this Netflix series -- esp the last three episodes. I found it enlightening, even though I lived through most of this history, I never saw it all put together in a series of events over decades. I came out of it with a much clearer perspective of where we are in the Cold War. It never was over. "The end of history" was too good to be true. Also glad I read so much about slavery a few years ago. If you put both these together, you get the USA, and the deep and lasting wounds we keep re-opening. #
Shownotes for the Podcast0 from July 16, 2004. #
The problem with JD Vance is that he's empty inside, he'll be whatever he needs to be to get more power, and he's young. He's as empty as Trump, and much younger, so we can't hope to outwait him. Now we have a real problem, because Trump has a successor. I imagine Trump's sons probably aren't happy about this. Had he picked Little Marco, no one would mistake him as an heir, or Doug Burgum who is a bit too old to be an heir (same age as I am). We do have a problem with Biden, he hasn't prepared for this moment. Old or not, they had 3.5 years to get ready, and they didn't. As I wrote yesterday, the biggest most important thing is that we organize ourselves. That's the best defense all around. Every attempt to corral the insurrection has been either non-existent or overwhelmingly inadequate. Trump should be out of the picture, and for a while it seemed as if he was getting there, but now he's back, and probably a bigger threat than ever. I don't think replacing Biden is anywhere near enough. We need leadership. Not wait to be led. We've waited too long. People who appear ready to step up -- AOC, Bernie Sanders. Who else? I wouldn't put Obama on that list, he tried to welcome Trump, even let him have his Supreme Court pick, just to be a nice guy. We are not going to prevail by being nice, unfortunately. We're also not going to prevail by each of us taking care of Number One. We have to work together. Organize and work together. Those ought to be our mantras until we achieve them.#
And btw, don't panic. You can't accomplish anything that way.#
Today's adventure: "The great and cute Wordle Kitty was surprisingly chosen to be the running mate of the most popular presidential candidate in the history of the United States, who happens to also be very very old so that’s why they nominated the cute little cat to be the vice president because she is so young and so incredibly cute."#

© copyright 1994-2024 Dave Winer.

Last update: Tuesday July 16, 2024; 12:36 PM EDT.

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