It's even worse than it appears..
What should we expect from the Department of Justice in the Harris Administration?#
My linkblog, which posts to the Links tab on Scripting News, as well as Bluesky, Mastodon and RSS, now also posts to Twitter and Threads. #
Today would have been my mother's 92nd birthday. She died in 2018, and I still haven't, deep inside, fully gotten the message that she's gone. Probably the most significant person in my life. I find most of my adult relationships can be traced back to my relationship with her. #
  • When President Biden took the stage last night at the DNC, I had a moment of buyer's remorse. He looked so good in his black suit, and the pictures of the new candidates, and their spouses, looked comical in comparison to the president who was about to speak. #
  • Why did Walz have a permanent frown on his face. I find his presence next to Harris is almost always awkward. He's taller, and moves a lot. I noticed this with Sanders when he was debating Clinton in 2016. She stood still and Sanders waved his hands a lot. She spoke quietly, he shouted. #
  • Biden shouted last night, and he was mostly unplugged. On the team, but you have to wonder, how did the journos get so much power that they could force this change. He gave a fine speech. I'm not sure that pushing him aside, net-net, was a win for us. Maybe Harris will be a sugar high.#
  • One thing I know for sure, the new Democratic Party must not make the mistake that Biden did, must not subjugate itself to the press. When they go on the attack, you must respond. Break their wall of objectivity, these people are political players, and so far not subject to rebuttal. That must end. If they want to be in the middle, then don't pretend they aren't. #
  • They will yell about the First Amendment, which also applies to elected leaders and candidates for office, and there is no special right for publications like the NYT, they have no immunity to First Amendment speech about them. #
  • To the extent we can, it's time to push them aside. #
  • When someone quotes the NYT in frustration, I have a mantra I repeat over and over, "Ignore the NY Times." I'm going to paste it in 25 times now so you get the idea. Ignore the NY Times. Ignore the NY Times. Ignore the NY Times. Ignore the NY Times. Ignore the NY Times. Ignore the NY Times. Ignore the NY Times. Ignore the NY Times. Ignore the NY Times. Ignore the NY Times. Ignore the NY Times. Ignore the NY Times. Ignore the NY Times. Ignore the NY Times. Ignore the NY Times. Ignore the NY Times. Ignore the NY Times. Ignore the NY Times. Ignore the NY Times. Ignore the NY Times. Ignore the NY Times. Ignore the NY Times. Ignore the NY Times. Ignore the NY Times. #
  • I do a daily episode of the adventures of Wordle Kitty as art I do with ChatGPT, on Facebook. There often is a NY Times headline in the image, saying something silly like how prisons are dealing with an influx of convicted house pets (like the kitten). #
  • In this drawing the NYT is reporting on how the kitten loves lasagna, and of course how cute she is (it's important to emphasize that in the AI prompt because otherwise you get less cute kittens in the drawing). #
  • This is therapeutic. Finally I can see the NYT doing something useful! Keeping me entertained while we try to get through this election. If I'm forced to accept lies from the NYT, without any voice given to opposition, they might as well be lies that entertain me! 😄#
  • Kitty in prison, via Facebook.#
  • PS: I wonder if the NYT minds that we think of them as no more straight than Fox News. They've fallen really far, and have so far shown they totally don't care if we know.#

© copyright 1994-2024 Dave Winer.

Last update: Wednesday August 21, 2024; 11:14 AM EDT.

You know those obnoxious sites that pop up dialogs when they think you're about to leave, asking you to subscribe to their email newsletter? Well that won't do for Scripting News readers who are a discerning lot, very loyal, but that wouldn't last long if I did rude stuff like that. So here I am at the bottom of the page quietly encouraging you to sign up for the nightly email. It's got everything from the previous day on Scripting, plus the contents of the linkblog and who knows what else we'll get in there. People really love it. I wish I had done it sooner. And every email has an unsub link so if you want to get out, you can, easily -- no questions asked, and no follow-ups. Go ahead and do it, you won't be sorry! :-)