UserLand Software
Powerful, cross-platform web scripting.

About This Tutorial

Frontier Web Tutorial

About This Tutorial

About Web Site Management

Why Frontier?

Starting Up

Getting Comfortable With Tables

Exploring the Examples

Your First Web Site

Frontier HTML Basics

Getting Comfortable With Outlines


Outline Formatting

Includes and Macros

Handling Images

Glossaries and Filters

Defines and Custom Directives


Site Outline and NextPrev

Relative References

Leveraging Your Work

Narrative of a Rendering

Where To Go From Here

Terms, Tips and Examples

Royal Road

A legend has it that an ancient king, tired of the step-by-step, proof-by-proof progression of his mathematics lessons, complained to his teacher and asked, in effect, whether they couldn't jump ahead to the good stuff. The reply was: "Your majesty, there is no Royal Road to geometry."

With Frontier, happily, that's not true. Frontier provides you with plenty of power to get started quickly; you can go back and learn the details later. Let's start enjoying Web site management with Frontier.

Note: Frontier 5 is a free application and database, which progresses constantly in response to user needs and ideas. Revisions become available for download fairly frequently. This tutorial is geared to Frontier 5.0, the first cross-platform version for Windows and Macintosh. Since this is a hands-on tutorial, if you have not started with a clean download of Frontier 5, your experience may differ from what is described here.

Another Note: This tutorial has benefitted from suggestions, questions, corrections, and encouragement by readers of earlier versions, as well as from the generous sharing of inventiveness and expertise (through the mailing lists) that characterizes the Frontier community. Since I can't thank each individually, thanks, one and all. You know who you are.



Site Scripted By Frontier © Copyright 1996-98 UserLand Software. This page was last built on 1/27/98; 9:52:48 PM. It was originally posted on 7/4/97; 7:24:55 AM. Webmaster:

This tutorial was adapted for Frontier 5 by Brent Simmons, from the Frontier 4 web tutorial written by Matt Neuburg.