Home > Archive > 2010 > October > 25
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Listen to the show live, and post a comment here if you want to add a master narrative to the list.
I'm also going to monitor Twitter, so use the tag #RBTN to post something to my attention.
We're already using the rebooted system of news.
Every node in the network is a participant in the system.
The sources go direct.
It's easier to trust "Here's where I'm coming from" than the View From Nowhere.
Efficiency is creativity.
The enemy of progress is complexity.
Checkbox News.
King Kaufman: "Objectivity and impartiality are journalism's version of 'don't ask, don't tell.'"
If you hear fire trucks in the night, in the morning you should be able to find out where the fire was.
People come back to places that send them away.
Narrate your work.
We make shitty software.