GoDaddy was bought by an investment banking firm. So they're probably not coming at SOPA as a technology thing. I'm sure they see it as corporate lawyers would. And lawyers don't see what the fuss is about. They were never that into freedom anyway. Step by step, the United States is becoming China. Not surprising since we're financially very closely tied. And the financiers want the Internet to keep us docile and quiet, and they don't want any of the crazy Arab Spring type stuff, not in the Arab world, not in China, and definitely not in the west. It's all the same as Matt Taibbi points out today in a Rolling Stone piece about the rich and their awful PR. But why should they care. It's not as if anyone can do anything about it. We really can't. So they can boast about their money, trophy wives, jet-set lifestyle. They didn't bother to hire a PR person to make it sound pretty. There was no need. Anyway, the GoDaddy thing has an easy resolution. One or more of their competitors can issue statements that are the mirror-image of GD's. Then the users who want to move can have a place to move to. It'll be basically symbolic, because if the US has a political firewall, whether your registrar is inside or outside the US won't matter. And it won't matter whether they do or don't like SOPA. I already decided to start moving off GoDaddy a couple of months ago. I'm using a Canadian registrar, Hover, which is part of Tucows. I've known the guys there for a long time, and they have a great reputation. And they're Canadian. Not sure how much independence that actually gets you these days. But it's better than using GD. The only good thing about SOPA is that it will get people into the streets. All kinds of civil disobedience will be possible once we no longer have the Internet as a distraction, or soporific. |