By Dave Winer on Saturday, December 24, 2011 at 9:45 AM.
Just a few random notes for my outliner in the morning.
1. We had the plenary for the NJFF last night, here in NY of course. We went to see Mission Impossible in the IMAX theater on Broadway and 68th St. It was a great way to kick it off. It was like a roller coaster right. Very light fare from a writing standpoint. But the images were so thrilling. I thought the scenes with Tom Cruise flying around on the tower in Dubai were going to be the climax, and horrifying -- and they were that, but the climax came later, with a missile headed for Seattle or was it San Francisco? Like I said, the writing was pretty shitty, but the movie was a fine way to start the fest.
2. On Twitter yesterday I felt it was necessary to clear up that I was not recommending people boycott anyone at this time over SOPA. It's not law, not even close, and I have a feeling it's not going to make it through all the hurdles. This time. But they'll keep coming back. And if they ever do get a law that tries to turn the Internet into a movie theater, we'll just occupy the movie theaters. And we'll shame the actors whose lawyers it is that are trying to foreclose on the Internet the way a banker forecloses on a bad mortgage. You can't be popular with the people, Mr and Ms Hollywood Star, and support killing free expression on the net. It's an either/or thing. And we should all be looking for a little more outspoken-ness from our movie and recording stars, esp the ones who use social media.