The people I admire most are the ones who know where we're going, and do what they can to make it come out well.
![]() That's the kind of public service I admire. I had a hard time putting this in words when I was younger because I lacked the perspective. It was my beef with Bill Gates, who could have done so much more good as CEO of Microsoft than he can today as a philanthropist. Yet all the while he was saying he would spend the latter part of his life doing good. While he was holding back the tech industry. (And that's being kind to his legacy.)
![]() Same with Larry Page, btw. Do good now. You already have more money than anyone could possibly use. If he had an idea for his life when he was in his twenties he wouldn't be such a menace now.
![]() I see this over and over, people who achieve great financial success and then have no idea what to do. It's like that great line from the Joker. He's a dog chasing a car.
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