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How long a story are you telling?
By Dave Winer on Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 2:59 PM.
Is there a plot to your life? permalink
Did you have a theory about the future when you were in your twenties? permalink
How much of it came to be and how prepared were you for it? permalink
The people I admire most are the ones who know where we're going, and do what they can to make it come out well.  permalink
That's the kind of public service I admire. I had a hard time putting this in words when I was younger because I lacked the perspective. It was my beef with Bill Gates, who could have done so much more good as CEO of Microsoft than he can today as a philanthropist. Yet all the while he was saying he would spend the latter part of his life doing good. While he was holding back the tech industry. (And that's being kind to his legacy.) permalink
Same with Larry Page, btw. Do good now. You already have more money than anyone could possibly use. If he had an idea for his life when he was in his twenties he wouldn't be such a menace now. permalink
I see this over and over, people who achieve great financial success and then have no idea what to do. It's like that great line from the Joker. He's a dog chasing a car. permalink
I'm about to achieve a goal I had when I was 22 years old. It gives me chills to write this.  permalink
What I'd like to say is that it's good to think big, and think really well about it, and as you get more data adjust where you're going. And as you face setbacks, if the vision is still valid and still useful, and if you're healthy and are eating well, why not go for it. permalink
Steve Jobs, like him or not, was one of these people.  permalink
And he could tell the story of his life, even at a young age. permalink
Good for him! permalink
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