It's even worse than it appears.
Today's songs: Strawberry Fields Forever and Penny Lane. Both were about places in Liverpool. McCartney wrote Penny Lane, the street Lennon grew up on. Strawberry Field is also a real place. Lennon wrote the song while he was away from the group in Spain, acting in a movie and pretty lost. The two songs were released together on a double-a-side single. #
Like everyone else, I'm addicted to Wordle. Programming prepares you for this game because there always comes a point where you have to stare at the code going over what you know and don’t know. Not guessing, but testing, gathering more data. Until you see it.#
Journalists who covered the aftermath of the 2008 crash, please take a similar look at what VCs are doing with crypto. I'm pretty technical and I think it's all buzzwords hiding a scam. Find the scam before the bubble bursts. Or make it burst before they're too big to fail.#
Here's what I wrote about the bubble that had just burst in 2008. It goes quite a bit deeper than just the financial tricks that inflated the bubble. What's so depressing that we not only didn't wake up from what we were doing and start to fix it, we've drifted further into the morass. It's hard to believe the United States has any foundation left. And the world is on the verge of telling us to fuck off, bigtime. I think that's what Putin is trying to provoke now. Show the world we don't have the will to defend a country that obviously deserves our protection. #
Yesterday I got a new Macally keyboard. It's their answer to the Logitech MX, which I also have. I love the MX, it has a very nice feel and most important the keys are backlit. I like working in a dark room, so it's important for me to be able to see the keys, esp as my eyesight weakens as I get older. I got the new keyboard because I was unable to switch the Ctrl and Cmd keys, so I could also use Windows and Linux on the same machine without breaking my brain. For some reason when I do the switch using the Control Panel or Karabiner, the mapping doesn't stick. I thought maybe the problem was with the keyboard, so it was worth $50 to find out. Sadly there's something wrong with the computer, this new keyboard has the same problem. If you have any ideas on what might be going wrong, or what I might try next, please send me a tweet or an email. In the meantime, I also got a new mouse, an upgrade from the cheap-feeling Microsoft mouse I got because I decided to try using a scroll wheel mouse and liked it. #
I realize that in a sense this whole blog, all 27-plus years, has been about coming to terms with being creative in public, and how hard it is to be true to yourself while doing that. Nothing can prepare you for it. I've known quite a few people who dealt with this in tech and know very few who were happy about it. Before you're rich and famous you think it'll all be great, but once you're in it, it just spins you around and you struggle to try to stay human, but if your fame gets big enough everyone wants to own you, some even tell you to your face they want to own you, but they don't need you if you get what I mean. I have walked away from the adventure a couple of times myself. But learning about the Beatles, and I still have a lot to learn, has opened my eyes wider than anything, because before this investigation started, all I knew about the Beatles was the one that the public owns. #
Good morning and welcome to a big snow storm. We aren't getting anything like the worst of it in the Hudson Valley, that's where Boston is, but the snow is blowing and it's nasty out there. Just got a text message from Apple that my new iPhone will be delivered today. Somehow I think not.#
  • Back in the 80s at Living Videotext, I imagine us having a conversation about which of us would be first to die. That said, it wouldn't surprise me if Scott Love wasn't the first, I didn't stay in touch with most of the people who worked there. But Scott was certainly the first of those who I did. I wrote about his passing in November, but I didn't have any pictures of him from Living Videotext. My brother sent me a couple, so here they are. #
  • From left to right, Scott Love, Kandes Bregman and myself. Not sure which office this was taken in, either Charleston Rd or Easy St, both in Mountain View, CA.#
  • From left to right, Leon Winer (my father) and Scott Love. #

Last update: Sunday January 30, 2022; 12:00 PM EST.

You know those obnoxious sites that pop up dialogs when they think you're about to leave, asking you to subscribe to their email newsletter? Well that won't do for Scripting News readers who are a discerning lot, very loyal, but that wouldn't last long if I did rude stuff like that. So here I am at the bottom of the page quietly encouraging you to sign up for the nightly email. It's got everything from the previous day on Scripting, plus the contents of the linkblog and who knows what else we'll get in there. People really love it. I wish I had done it sooner. And every email has an unsub link so if you want to get out, you can, easily -- no questions asked, and no follow-ups. Go ahead and do it, you won't be sorry! :-)