Monday, July 27, 2015 at 1:14 PM

What's going on at Gawker?

I haven't been paying much attention, I had little hope of understanding what's happening there. But it sounds, from afar, as if something is changing.

I think Gawker could use some change. The way they cover tech is fairly disgusting, imho. I don't pay attention to the rest of it. I've known Denton for a long time. I think he's a smart guy, and the conversations we've had have been interesting. But every time I give Gawker a chance, they do something crazy and disgusting, and I just look the other way for a while. Then the cycle repeats.

It's too bad, because their software for user participation seems pretty good. It looked like perhaps they were trying to evolve into something like Reddit or Wikipedia even. That might have been interesting.

Are they becoming the next CNET?

If you have light to shed, please post a brief comment below. Thanks.

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By Dave Winer, Monday, July 27, 2015 at 1:14 PM. Ask not what the Internet can do for you.