Last night was the final episode of
Mr Robot. One word review -- masterful. Lots to think about. The
Vulture synopsis is great, obviously it's entirely spoilers, as is this post. The big question of this episode and the entire series it turns out is
Who Is The Real Elliot? For that I got the same answer Time had for their
POTY in 2006. We're all Elliot, having constructed more agreeable versions of ourselves to share with the world, hiding who we are many levels deep, like
Inception or
The Matrix. It's recursive, Mr Robot says. You wake from one dream to find yourself in another and another. I imagine many people will dislike the end, the same way they didn't like the end of
Battlestar Galactica. Some of the story is real, some of it matters, but in the end not much actually changed. Mr Robot asks us to look at ourselves and our families and friends, and how much of it is what we wish it were, vs how much is as it actually is. There isn't anything unique in this story, it's really the story of our lives, waking up from the dream we concocted to get through childhood. Endings to stories are hard, the art is in where they leave you and how much they change you, and the ending of Mr Robot scores high on all counts.
How to make corned beef hash. It's incredibly simple. Boil some potatoes the night before. Drain the water, add a bit of vinegar, let sit, covered, overnight. In the morning, chop some corned beef, fry it alone (without potatoes). When nice and brown, put the beef on a plate, leaving the pan greased with fat from the beef. Chop an onion, fry it, then add some chopped potatoes. Then mix the two and fry together. You can add garlic if you like. Mix it up, then remove the hash and fry a couple of eggs in the same pan and serve them on top of the mound of CBH. There's really nothing to it but boiling and frying, but it's really tasty.