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DaveNet Tours

Good morning!

This is a new kind of DaveNet piece. A tour of a very small slice of the worldwide web. It's like a page of pointers to cool web sites, but with a realtime difference. I went on a deliberate tour, visited some of the sites that have registered as supporting the 24 Hours of Democracy project.

Tour #1 -- 2/19/96; 9:30PM

Tour #2 -- 2/19/96; 10:12:56 PM

Tour #3 -- 2/20/96; 4:22:19 PM

Tour #4 -- 2/21/96; 6:52:33 AM

When I arrived at a page that I thought was interesting, I pressed cmd-equals in my web browser. It ran a script which added the site's address to an outline. Up pops a dialog box, I enter a comment, and go on to the next site.

I've only pointed to sites that I thought were remarkable in some way. Read the comments. Form your own impressions.

Could you do a tour like this? As the 24 Hours project ramps up, more essays are posted there is more stuff to sift thru. I can't keep up with the flow. That's coool! But there's interesting stuff that we may be missing. Let's read each others' essays. What do you think?

So this is a prototype for other people who are writing about the 24 Hours project.


PS: For the background on this page, check out the DaveNet essay entitled For Emma. This is all so recursive! Wow.

PPS: For other tours see Reading the Essays.

blueRibbon Picture This page was originally posted on 2/16/96;10:34:26 AM. It was last built on 3/11/97; 6:12:35 AM with Frontier. Want to know about Broken Links?