Wednesday, September 23, 2015 at 11:01 AM

A Harbin & Yogi story

Harbin Hot Springs and Yogi Berra are much on my mind this morning.

Harbin, because I used to go there regularly in the 90s. I was exploring massage, meditation, shiatsu, myself, existence, stuff like that. And I've always been a baseball fan, and coming from NYC, Yogi Berra always loomed large.

Anyway, the two met. I told my Harbin friends, many of whom had been to India, and generally knew more about spirituality than baseball, about our famous American teacher, Yogi Berra. I recited some of his teachings, which made a lot of sense in the Harbin context. Things like "you can observe a lot just by watching" -- one of the hits.

At Harbin we were trying to get out of our trance, our movie, and into the moment. It may sound cute, but there are a lot of times where you can benefit from a reminder that you must observe existence, not your story about what existence is.

American spirituality was perfectly captured by the great baseball teacher Yogi Berra.

Harbin died last week in the Valley Fire, and Yogi died yesterday, in New Jersey.

Namaste y'all!


Last built: Sat, Sep 26, 2015 at 1:01 PM

By Dave Winer, Wednesday, September 23, 2015 at 11:01 AM. So, it has come to this.