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Browser Tips

Browsers are not expecting your site to be dynamic. You need to teach them.


Often your browser will cache an already-visited page. If your page has changed, you may not always see it as it actually is.

In Netscape, reloading the page doesn't always actually reload. Instead you must "super-reload" the page.

Hold down the option key and choose "Super Reload" from the View menu.

With MSIE, it's usually enough to click the "Refresh" button.

Check every time

Both Netscape and MSIE provide a preference for checking pages once per session or every time. Make sure "every time" is checked.

"Every time" is a misnomer, of course, and that's where super-reload, as above, comes in.

Put your cache on a RAM disk

Both Netscape and MSIE allow you to choose your cache location. If you put your cache on a 1 MB RAM disk, your cache will be emptied every time you shut down. This assures that your cache is emptied regularly.

If you use a cache at all, keep it small.

Putting your cache on a RAM disk has additional benefits: your browser will crash less, it will perform faster, and you dramatically reduce the risk of disk corruption. Perhaps most importantly, your browser will suddenly be quiet -- you won't have to listen to constant hard drive noises while browsing.

Bonus tip: stopping animated gifs

With Netscape you can stop animated gifs. The stop button remains enabled even after the page has downloaded. Click the Stop button to stop the animated gifs from looping.

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This page was built on a Macintosh running Frontier. Last modified 4/15/97; 1:03:40 PM. Copyright 1997 Userland Software.