Q & A
Q & ACan we include macros in our pages? Is there any security?Yes, you may include macros. Yes, there is security.As Content Server ships there are only four available macros. These are all contained in the user.publisher.macros table. You may add more macros to this table if you choose. The shipped macros are: All macros must be contained in curly braces. Important: There is no security for templates: templates may contain any macros. The assumption is that only someone very trusted will have access to the Templates folder. Where do templates get stored?Templates with a file name other than "template" are stored om the user.html.templates table.Templates with a file name of "template" can be placed in sub-folders of the Templates folder, which map to the sub-tables in your website table. What if something goes wrong?If there are any errors in the process, an "Error Log" file is written to with a description of the error. You'd see this file at the top level of the Uploads folder.If you've enabled outgoing email, Content Server will send email to the sysop or sysops when something goes wrong. What about binhexed files? What if I put a graphic in the Content folder?Any file in the Content folder that is not a text file is automatically copied to the corresponding folder in the actual web site.This means you can place binhexed files, QuickTime movies, and so on in the Content folder and have them placed in the web site. Furthermore, any graphic placed in the Content folder rather than the images folder is also stored in your Frontier root at user.html.images. What is the Processed Files folder for?That's where all the files, templates, and images go that have already been rendered or loaded into your Frontier.root. We save these files for back-up purposes.Note: you never need to make folders in the Processed Files folder. Folders are created there automatically. Can I upload Frontier outlines?Not yet. For now, all files must be text files.Why can't I do __________?Because it isn't implemented yet. Still digging!Next: Pointers This page was built on a Macintosh running Frontier. Last modified 4/15/97; 1:10:06 PM. Copyright 1997 Userland Software. |