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CGI Publishing

Setting up for CGI publishing involves creating users, listing folders they can publish to, and setting up your web server to run Frontier CGI scripts.

Creating users and providing folder access

See Email Publishing and Publisher Menu pages for a description of how to create to new users and groups.

Additionally, you need to specify which folders are available to which users.

Every user table has an outline called "folders" which lists the folders that user has CGI publishing access to.

These folders are relative paths, relative to the Content folder. Folder names in the path should be separated by colons.

A user named John Doe might have access to two folders, for instance:


When a writer goes to the CGI page to publish, the user will be presented with a pop-up menu listing the folders he or she has access to.

To provide a user with access to the root level of the Content folder, use the special folder name "[root]" (without quotes).

The CGI publishing page is at

Customizing your publishing page

You can change the look of your publishing page by editing the html at user.publisher.cgiText.submitPage. Take care to change only the look of the page, and not the names of posted parameters. Also be sure not to remove the custom <popupmenu> tag, which the CGI uses as a place-holder for the pop-up list of folders.

You can also customize the error page (at user.publisher.cgiText.errorPage) and the Thank You page (at user.publisher.cgiText.thankyouPage)

Configuring your server to run Frontier CGIs

Your web server should have an action called FRONTIER and a suffix mapping for ".fcgi" that points to the Frontier action. An alias to the Frontier application named "frontier.acgi" should be placed in the root level of your web server folder.

Consult your web server documentation for more information regarding setting up actions and suffix mappings and any other issues regarding Frontier CGI support.

If you need additional help, ask questions on the "Frontier Webmaster list".

Next: Talking to Your Users

This page was built on a Macintosh running Frontier. Last modified 4/15/97; 1:04:10 PM. Copyright 1997 Userland Software.