When your AI bot gave you code that worked do you go back and thank it and say it worked? I do. I don't feel complete until I do.
When you put a hack into a piece of software you have to say out loud "It's a hack." That makes it okay.
- When we flatten out the differences between the different social networks, we'll start with their RSS feeds, if it works, ultimately there will be no need for different social networks. And again, if it works, we'll bring back the features of the open web that Twitter left out.#
- This is a much better approach to federation, delivers the benefits long before hashing out the diffs betw ATP and ActivityPub will take. And we really have the choice that Bluesky says they will deliver, and yes, it will also be billionaire-proof.#
- Yesterday I posted four new ChatGPT-created drawings, created with the latest upgrade of ChatGPT's drawing functions which are better than previous versions. The usual controversy is rekindled on the networks. The concern as always is that it learned how from human artists, puts artists out of business, and human artists create art, machines can't, and since this is created by software, it isn't art. #
- This gives me a chance to write a piece I've been wanting to write for a while. The meaning of art imho comes from what it says to and about the person observing it, what it does to them, how it changes them, what they experience. For most people, most of the time, they don't have any idea who created the art beyond their name, nationality and when they lived. If you see enough of their work, you learn about the work, not the person. What you learn from art is always going to be about yourself. #
- My father once told me, in all seriousness, the cliche about an abstract work of art -- it isn't art, my father said. I said to him, Dad that you feel so strongly about it means to you it most definitely is art. I believe if he were more truthful about his response, he would say what's behind the feeling, he's experiencing dishonesty, stolen valor, the artist is a profiteer, the person who made it a con artist not a real artist. Pretty similar to what people say in 2025 about art-making machines. #
- I gave ChatGPT a picture of a man and woman, reading the screen of a computer, then asked for various renditions. #

In the style of Leonardo da Vinci.

In the style of the cover of a John Steinbeck novel.

As if it were an illustration inside Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain.

As if it were Mr Caputo and Chapman from Orange is the New Black.

From Succession with Logan and Sioban Roy.

From Severance, with Mark S and Helly R.
- If you step through the pictures after giving each a bit of your time, by the time you get here, if you were asked if it's art, I hope you'd say Who cares. If it helps you see something new about anything (probably yourself) whether or not it's art is not the most interesting thing.#
- I believe it is. When people say my software thinks like they do, what's really happening is the software has gotten out of their way, they've incorporated the way it works into the base of their spine, so they can remain in the world they're writing about, and forget that they're using a piece of software. They perceive that as the software thinking like they do, which is fine -- it's the goal. But it's quite possible they have a totally different experience that takes them out of their suspension of disbelief by not working the way they expect, the same way it did the last 100 times, or it failes to open a file, or whatever might cause them to leave their own world and have to deal with the one I, and generations of software developers, have created, which can (as I know) be excruciating, humiliating, and whatever else you may feel. #
What a world we live in.
A thought for everyone struggling to see a good future in all the michegas. My advice -- please -- do your protesting, resisting, DEIing, organizing, learning, and look for silver linings (they are there) and most important keep doing things that feed your soul. Treat yourself with love even if the world isn't. So in that spirit for those of us who love cats -- a

You know how they have
walkability scores for different places? I live in a place now with a score of zero, you can't do anything without a car. I moved from a place with a
score of 99. I'd like to have social networks get a score like that, for how much they feed energy into the open web, vs how much they take out. Something that attracts you from the open web, uses it to build its network, but doesn't reciprocate, gets a low score. Like Twitter or Facebook, they'd have a lot of nerve saying they were of the web, and thankfully they don't. But Bluesky? They would like you to believe they are of the web, that they are feeding the web, when they are not. They would get Twitter's score, divided by two for the dishonesty. Substack? They don't make the claim so they're bad for the web but not the worst. Mastodon? They're trying. But they could make a concerted effort to check the boxes on
textcasting, and implement support across their entire network. Give writers a chance to really work on the platform. Give Bluesky some competition which they desperately need (by my estimation, probably not theirs).

This may seem controversial, but the Repubs do have a point re
DEI. We really do have a problem honoring the achievements of white men. I know because I get the bullshit when people have tried to honor me for my achievements. When I was offered a keynote spot a the
ISOJ conference in 2019, to honor my (then) 25 years of blogging, I told the show runner,
Rosental Alves, that his audience wouldn't like me. He is gentle generous person, so I believe he was genuinely puzzled. I decided to go, because a future of journalism conference that thinks the advent of blogs was something for journalists and journalism students to acknowledge was something I wanted to see. But in the Q&A period, it all came out. Bluntly and rudely. My contributions mean nothing because I am a white man and in their minds I couldn't have failed. Do they really believe that? Swimming upstream isn't easy for anyone. The experience at that conference was pretty good proof of that. Behind my back in Silicon Valley, while I was writing about the failures along with the victories, when professional journalists and magazine publishers almost unconditionally worshipped the tech gods, I assume because they respect money more than anything, I wrote about the great victories of tech, but a lot of them didn't come from billionaires and VCs. I don't study the creativity of bankers, I care about tools for creative
people. I tried to write the truth, didn't always succeed and sometimes I had to retract. But I did pretty much what journalism preaches. Stayed true to what I believe. The "white men bad" thing was an excuse for people to say I was weak or stupid, or whatever they think. So we get the backlash now. Some of the energy that MAGA gets is honest frustration of people who are victims of DEI, despite the hype from "the woke" which is a term I despise, what's wrong with being awake, what's the alternative, being asleep? dead? -- these righteous assholes, on both sides of this thing, really do treat people as objects, and that hurts, and that kind of pain is hard to forget.
I was just thinking about themes for WordPress, and thought to look up Manila themes, and found we have a
whole website that's still
running (thanks Jake!) where you can see the catalog of themes we had for Manila and Radio (thanks Bryan Bell!). I want something like this for WordPress themes that work beautifully with WordLand-authored blogs.

The ruling class in America is more out in the open now. Pretty much the same people who brought us the
Lehman Brothers too-big-to-fail meltdown in 2008 and the
Brooks Brothers Riot in Y2K. Not sure if
oligarch is the right word. Peter O'Toole starred in
The Ruling Class, a favorite when I was younger. The
last song in the movie is pretty freaking great.
I want natural language text macros in ChatGPT. I would devise a macro that turned random text I wrote online into a properly formatted blog post. for example when i write fast i almost never stop to capitalize things that should be capitalized. or i might abbreviate the name of a product so i expect it to fill it in, as a professional copy editor would. I hope we're heading there. And if they have this, put it behind a simple api so i can wire it into my favorite writing tool. We could even work on a set of standards, a higher level Markdown if you will, that goes deeper than formatting. That would be something for an experienced copy editor to do imho.
We're getting into WordPress in a new way, the need for a
featured image came from users. I didn't know they had this feature in WordPress. If you asked me if it did, I would have said yes, I'm sure it does, but where and what is it called? i could've gotten that too via chatgpt, but i would have had to think of it. that's where having sharp users makes a world of difference. When people thank me for my generosity, they don't get it. I want something out of it, your experience and your mind. It's one of my main raw materials.
With all the good stuff happening with
WordLand I haven't found time to wind down feedland.com and feedland.org. The servers are still working, though not performing as I'd like them to, but it doesn't seem I'm going to get the time to do a graceful transition before my self-imposed March 31 deadline. So I'll come up with a new plan, and if you're using either of these services, enjoy! and keep
backing up your subscription list.
I've been putting Markdown support in my feeds -- everywhere -- on both sides, yielding
serendipity like this. This is how "it just works" comes about. With a good
design and a lot of love.

Thanks to
Ben Werdmuller and
Om Malik for their nice writeups of WordLand on their blogs. They're right. It is a small piece that can be hooked into lots of places, as is WordPress a big place that can host lots of apps many of which haven't been written yet. Products that look outward that can be hooked up in a million ways to everything, and leave the door open for those who follow. Such products are rare in our world. People always try to own their users by locking out competitors. I found a perfect spot for me to put some software, and I am having fun watching people use it, and coming up with new features that build on what we have. I think the writing tools market for WordPress will be huge, and I firmly believe that will turn into what I call
the writer's web, which you could also think of as just the web. Ben thinks of it as the "indie web," and that's fine. It's all just the web. Anyway, I should have put something here a long time ago, but I didn't look inside WordPress until a couple of years ago and I really liked what I found.
Mini-spoilers follow. I'm a Severance lover, it's definitely one of the best shows ever, and I feel even more so after the season 2 finale which I watched last night on AppleTV+. I think there are two types of Severance users. One whose focus is on the evil and the other whose focus is on the love. If you think nothing happened in the finale then you're the first type, if you are the second type, this episode was incredible rich. And we learned what the goats were about and that's not nothing.

something that could be useful. A ChatGPT with instructions on how to help a user with
WordLand. Try clicking the
link and see what happens, esp if you're a regular WordLand user. I discovered the feature first by asking if the bot knew what WordLand was, and it said it did, and got it mostly right. I've been using ChatGPT to develop the product, so it's possible it has retained some of the info. And the
docs are on the web. This is one of those times when you really want the AI bot to ingest everything it can find. Worried about hallucinations. But with a product like WordLand, which could show up problems in the browser or a WordPress theme, a lot of the help requests are not problems with WordLand itself. Here's a
thread where you can report on your experience. Remember the
guidelines. Thanks!
Senator Chris Murphy: "How on earth are we going to ask the American people to take risks for us when there's a 5-alarm constitutional fire and we need them to be out on the streets, with hundreds of thousands of people, if we're not willing to show courage and take risks ourselves."
I like
Jeff Nichols' piece, but I don't agree that
the writer's web is blogging. I think it's bigger. Blogging is
part of the writer's web. Today's writing network is much more powerful, the software tools are stronger, and new UI standards have evolved. Things like Digital Ocean, Markdown, Font-Awesome and Node.js didn't exist last time we took a serious look at writing on the web. The web with all its features is still here. WordPress has created a strong foundation to build on, at least as good as the social media platforms, but better because it's of the web, with
no limits. We've got the beginning of a new platform, one where developers compete to create great writing and reading environments, and we don't need federation because the web takes care of that.

A thread I wrote
on Bluesky about how the RSS world, an earlier instance of
the writer's web, was overtaken by Twitter and why, which boils down to this -- the reading platforms wouldn't work with each other. So Twitter made subscription one click. And RSS made sites include 25 buttons to give people one-click subscription in every popular feed reader. Twitter only needed one button. And it worked every time. Now, 18 years later, the twitter-like systems world, Mastodon, Threads, Substack, Ghost, Bluesky, etc mostly can't get together on a simple way to peer. They keep talking about it and while they do, we're losing everything that's important to us. In the open tech world we have the same problem as the Democratic Party and the same problem RSS had. We refuse to see how the world has changed, and our slow and steady approach leads nowhere fast. We can't all be masters of our own silo'd domain. We need a web for words that's simple and can be learned in an afternoon, but doesn't lose the essential features writers need. I don't know what we need to win, but I do know what we need to get started.

Product Protocol Support Matrix.
- Notes#
- Terminology: I don't thnk we should use the term social web until there actually is such a thing, so I invented a new term for these twitter-like services.#
- Since Ghost is now supporting ActivityPub, I felt we needed to include Substack because the two products compete directly. #
- I consider AT Proto a proprietary protocol for now, as proprietary as Mastodon's API.#
- I included WordPress because it supports ActivityPub. #
- If you want to comment or ask questions I posted this table on Mastodon and Bluesky.#
- If you aren’t sure how to ask for help with software, try first asking ChatGPT or another AI chatbot to help figure out what’s going wrong. It has infinite time to help, and won’t mind if the problem turned out to be a random browser plug-in that was misbehaving.#
- It often suggests trying things you might not have thought of.#
- I use it myself esp as often is the case there’s no one who can or is willing to work for me for free. I’m already playing it $20 per month, and for that I get as much time as it takes.#
- Really good for organizing your approach to a problem.#
Obama once said to the bankers who had just crashed the economy, much like Trump/Musk are trying to do now -- that his administration is the "only thing between you and the pitchforks.” These are the same people. They’re back from 2009 and this time they want
everything. They don't care what's left, they're machines. All they know how to do is to consume. Squeeze a cent of value from every dollar. This
clip from Goodfellas explains. I saw a quote from one of the Dogeheads saying that all universities should be shut down. Hey you can say whatever you like, but they want to actually do it.
A piece that Paul Krugman should write. How what Musk is doing to the US is worse than the 2009 near-collapse of the world economy. People who think he's going to bring down just the US, should recall how close we all came to falling into the abyss. But this time there will be no one to save us.
The basic thing about tech is that attracts people who take things that don't belong to them. There's no policing. The richest people are the ones who are best at grabbing control of other people's creations. That's the common theme. Now they're in DC, going for all of it. The whole thing. But they're like the
dog that catches the car. They don't have the slightest idea what to do with what they're taking. How could they? It's incomprehensibly vast.
data behind a
WordLand blog post I wrote a few days ago. I'm publishing these so people get an idea of the structures we're working with. It's basically a WordPress post with added metadata. They have these kinds of structures in RSS, Atom, ActivityPub and AT Proto. Eventually some of these will die out, there are too many formats to support. At any moment in time it feels like each one is enormous and permanent. But show me where the new OS/2, Novell, UCSD Pascal or CP/M apps are. Go back far enough, Alogol, Smalltalk, Lisp, Simula. I am very much a less-is-more type protocol designer, don't try to plan for things you don't have a working model of, because the ideas you gain when you actually put the app together will work much better. And only add things you're willing to live with forever. Slow down to hurry up. Etc. Anyway,
this is the format we work with inside
WordLand, and more important, in the new APIs, that build on and simplify the
excellent API that Automattic had already produced.

Of course I'm getting ready to ditch
my Tesla Model Y, and thinking about what my options are. I saw someone comment on the
Rivian truck, and I've seen them around but didn't imagine they'd have the same muscle car profile as the Tesla, but apparently they do. That's the thing I'd miss the most about the Model Y. Its power and handling. It's a big car, but it drives in many ways like the
Miata I drove in the 90s.
Techdirt has a well-deserved rep for exposing the false claims tech companies make. I’d love to see a Techdirt analysis of Bluesky’s claim that they’re billionaire-proof and they don’t lock users in. For background check out this
TechCrunch piece from SXSW.
This post is for idiots like
you me who
click on links to The Bulwark.
- This is like that moment, five years ago, when we realized that Covid was going to kill a lot of us but it hadn't happened yet. A lot of people weren't yet aware. My friend John Palfrey, who is a legal scholar, has been writing about this moment on LinkedIn and Facebook. Things are flashing by very quickly, so I'm going to publish his latest piece here, below, so it gets a chance to get to the places I'm hooked into.#
- Lawyer friends and non-lawyer friends: has it become hard to say out loud in public: "we believe in the rule of law in America"? That seems not remotely controversial as a concept. The relative quiet on this topic is what is striking me most at the moment.#
- It would be a good idea for our Republic to avoid sleepwalking through a Constitutional crisis. Of course there are extremely talented lawyers working overtime on many fronts. Those who are not directly involved in litigation have other tools, including voice and funding and organizing, to make plain the simple truth that we should not let the rule of law slip away in America bit by bit. That will continue to happen if the rulings of federal judges can simply be ignored or sidestepped with impunity.#
- If the legislature has abdicated its role in checking the power of the executive, and then the judicial branch is also out, well, that leaves just one. This is not "fancy law stuff". This is "4th grade civics stuff" -- separation of powers, checks and balances (I know, I know, we don't teach civics enough in America...).#
- It is actually *not* more complicated than that. It can't be that hard to say out loud: "we value the rule of law in America" -- no matter your politics or party.#
- The Dems highest priority should be to get the Kamala Harris campaign back on social media, 24 by 7, with the truth and snark, irreverance, disrespectful of the Repubs, as a matter of principle. They were great. Perfect. We need a voice for the Democrats on the social networks. #
- Would someone please send this to AOC, Jasmine Crockett, Bernie Sanders, Mark Cuban, James Carville, anyone else you can think of. #
- The Dems only problem is there is no voice, no pulse, no heartbeat. Even without this, they almost won the last election. #
- Everything you like about government came from the Democrats. #
- We miss you. Get back on the air! No time to lose.#
Palfrey's alarm yesterday was about the Americans who were whisked off to
El Salvador. Who they are and what they're accused of is unknown, as if there's any substance to the accusation. No indictment, trial, verdict, appeals, etc. El Salvador wants to be the US dumping ground for undesirables. This is where we have, as
Timothy Snyder says, regime change. I thought the elmination of Social Security would have been the moment the light went on for most Americans, but this should be it. Citizens like you and me being
disappeared. It's a pretty quick way to get most of the people to behave according to the rules of the government, or off you go.
Poking around on old servers I found
this cute little app that jsonifies an RSS feed. Not sure why I did it. Postscript, it only works for one feed, mine. I replaced it with a template in the feeder app which was a useful version of the cute little app. Here's a
demo of it viewing the contents of a feed in JSON using a special template.
I'd love to get a list of old school bloggers who are still at it. How would you go about that? I decided to give it to Gemini, limiting it at first to 100 bloggers. Here's the
prompt I wrote. For a while I was wondering what "deep research" was for, but as it's starting the work, I'm thinking of resources that would fit in -- like blogtree.com -- a fascinating site, gives a clear picture how blogs emerge out of the community of an earlier blog. Anyway it's working on it while I write this post.
😄 #
An application ChatGPT is great it. You're staring at some code, it's really straightforward, you've done this a thousand times, but it doesn't work. Stare at it some more. Try re-entering it. Change the names of things. Still doesn't work. Copy and paste the problem code into ChatGPT and in an instant it tells you without you even having to ask that your comment isn't properly terminated, so the runtime was never seeing the code, and nothing I did made the slightest difference. The information was there. I had been staring at it, but humans see what we expect to see. Machines don't have that problem, at least not in this way (thinking of hallucinations).

Why is scripting.com not https? I hope you can see that I have no trouble deploying https sites here. I use
Caddy on my Linux servers, and I don't see why anyone uses anything else. It's really easy and requires none of the work people complain about. Anyway the reason scripting.com is http and not https is that the site dates back to 1994, before there was such a thing as https. Google didn't start their push to get the web to convert to https until 2014, 20 years after I started blogging. Have a look at
any of
my archived blog posts and
docs, the're pretty much all there. This is something I'm proud of. I wanted to create a record from the start, it was very deliberate. I was already an experienced developer when the web started up, so I had an idea what I was doing. I also use images on my site, in the right margin of posts, and lately as "inline" images, in their own boxes with a caption. It's a way for me to play with the ideas, and adds color to pages that are almost all text. So if I were to move the site from S3 to one of my hosted servers, which would be a fairly major undertaking on its own and add a lot of overhead because Amazon takes care of a lot of the bullshit you have to deal with, there would be a small matter of what about the images? They would all break if scripting.com was hosted on https and they were served from http. Now you might say -- Dave all you have to do is move all those images to a place with https support and remap the domains, and take care of all the michegas that's going to pop up. Or suffer with broken images. I decided to instead tell Google to stop trying to own something that belongs to no one and everyone. If they want a more secure web, create it, and make a browser for it, and respect the original web alone. Hopefully this clears it up.
I asked
ChatGPT when Google started making HTTPS a requirement. Then I asked when was HTTPS first deployed, and was surprised it was in 1994 in Netscape Navigator. But apparently it was really buggy and wasn't codified until much later. Then I asked when HTTPS became the norm? 2017. So there's a lot of web out there that isn't being maintained by anyone, it just works, that predates HTTPS being widely adopted, if you believe the timelines ChatGPT produced.
BTW, these days the images are served via HTTPS so they don't show up in broken links in RSS readers, including my own
FeedLand which is served over HTTPS.
Another BTW, I'm still thinking about how I want to transition from the public and open-to-anyone FeedLand servers. So if you're still using .org or .com, they're still on the air doing the same thing they've been doing all along.

My suggestion re
Schumer et al. It's over -- remember the lessons, let's look forward, tonight's vote is already history. Let the Dems in the Senate take care of themselves. It's we, the people, who created this country, and we the people are the only ones who can make it work again.
I heard an idea that really resonated in a Brian Lehrer
interview with
Anand Giridharadas, who says among many other things, that we should aim our ire at the
leaders of the MAGA movement, and stop bringing our angst to the people who voted for them. Every time I see a condescending TikTok story about them, I think about how that takes us further from getting where we must go. We have to reconcile, we share a country, and our interests are totally aligned. We need each other, that will become completely obvious, and the sooner it does the better.
Question for WordLand users. When you published your first post, were you surprised that the window didn't clear? Did you understand that you can make changes and update the public post? I was just talking with a friend who didn't expect it to behave the way it did.
I was looking over my
blog archive for August 2006, which was when I started using Twitter, and came across this
video of Jason Calacanis, at a Wikipedia conference in Cambridge. This is what videos were like back then. I probably took it with a fairly expensive Nikon camera.
Saw an
interview with Mark Cuban where they asked why would Elon Musk do something that would cause Tesla stock to tank. He's got the power to play with the biggest financial thing that has ever existed, and quite possibly that ever will exist. In comparison Tesla is just one car company, with a lot of competition, a market-leading product for sure, but the competition is catching up. They're constantly lowering prices to keep the volume up, so eventually the stock will have to come down anyway. He certainly knows stuff about the company that no one else can see, maybe their new product pipeline is empty? He also has had to deal with short-sellers who have the incentive to drive the price down, and he can't bet alongside them (how would that look, a CEO betting against his own company). No matter what, there is nothing bigger than the USA, and he's got it, and plans to keep it. But he's human, and thus has frailties, and he loses as often as he wins and knows it. Unfortunately for us we're all in his boat now, unless somehow we can wrench it back.

Please, today -- write a blog post that explains why you believe in
The Writer's Web. That's the best way to express our ideas on the web is with all the
tools that writers have invented. And while we may enjoy using social media like Bluesky or Mastodon, we understand that they are not for writing and are not the web. Please
send me a link to your post and I will read what you've written with thanks for believing in writers and the web! You can use any blogging software you like. My email address is dave.winer@gmail.com. And thank you. (And btw, your post can be about whatever you like, by just writing a blog post you're expressing your support for the writing on the web!)
- I keep hearing pundits and incumbent Democrats missing the point, that the people are the ones whose opinion matters about the Republicans dismantling our democracy in the United States. #
- I want to celebrate those leaders who totally get that the power is with the people, notably Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders. They are an inspiration! I live in New York and while AOC doesn't represent me in Congress (Pat Ryan is my rep), in a political and spiritual way she most definitely represents me. She should be the next president, as far as I'm concerned. She has all the leadership abilities we could ever want. #
- My contribution for today is the slogan that's the title of this piece. It's derived from James Carville's slogan when Bill Clinton was running for president in 1992, updated for 2025. #
- "It's the people, dummy!" was always the right slogan. It's we, the people, who created this country, and we the people are the only ones who can make it work again.#

Highly recommend this week's
New Yorker Radio Hour interview with
Stephen Kotkin of Stanford. He's an expert on Russian history, biographer of Stalin, he talks about what Trump is doing, and as I listened I realized we have not filled in how crazy or challenged the leaders of the other huge powers are. Trump apparently is not an outlier. Putin can't keep the war going in Europe indefinitely, their banking system is running on fumes and the people are tired of war (unlike in the US they feel their wars). There's tremendous corruption in the Chinese military, so Xi isn't rushing to try to take over Taiwan. It's easier and safer to just keep threatening. In the US we're shocked by what we've become, so quickly, we're failing to see the context. Kotkin also offers a perspective on the new media, relative to when TV and radio were new, and all the chaos the US has survived. He said something I believe is true, it'll be hard to turn America into a totalitarian state because every freaking American today was raised in a country where we had all the
amendments. It'll be hard to get us to STFU. They have a plan in TrumpLand, but that doesn't mean it will work.
BTW it's worth
calling attention to a bit I linked to yesterday.
Cross-posting to Bluesky and Mastodon is not on the roadmap for WordLand. They are too limited in the features they support for writers. This is a big point, not a casual thing. I am trying to create a network that's like stereo to mono. We're not going to try to scale down writing in WordLand so it fits into the tight little featureless well-silo'd boxes in order to peer with those systems. Instead, I want to force them to give writers a decent surface to write on. Somehow we lost our minds and decided deliberately to limit communication to grunts and snorts, and it should not be a surprise that when our civilization migrated to them, it became unable to understand complex ideas. I guarantee you Carl Sagan, if he were alive, would have seen this. Or maybe not? I don't know. But it's a bizarre situation that I've decided to try to fix.
A hard lesson to learn -- people don't listen to their friends, they listen to their competitors.
A new kind of WordPress post for me. A
big picture with a punchy caption and a teasing title.
The word is starting to spread about
WordLand. And the product is holding up pretty well. There are some issues in Safari with the toolbar that pops up over selection. I see people pasting in URLs that makes me think it's not working for them. Don Park started using it. I did my first project with Don in the late 80s. The project was very successful. His respect means a lot to me. The positioning -- it makes WordPress as easy to write for as Twitter, is great to hear as users write about it. That was one of the major design goals. What people are missing, and it's right in front of their eyes, they can use writing features that somehow never made it to the twitter-like systems, the ones listed on the
textcasting memorandum (or manifesto, whichever you prefer). I'm glad people are seeing this as an enhancement to WordPress, not an attempt to create a new community. I want
all WordPress writers to use this product. Every one of them. I want people to feel that it's an essential part of WordPress, for writers. The writer's web. Remember that, you'll be hearing a lot about that. And I want to be sure we fix all the bugs, and add all the features they believe are missing, as long as the features pertain to writing. Everything else is well-covered by the main product. There's also an API that comes with WordLand, I'll be talking more about that later. Makes it easier to write WordPress apps in JavaScript that run in the browser.
I did a restoration of
discuss.userland.com, the discussion group for scripting.com between 1998 and 2001. I think now finally it works. If you find anything interesting in the archive, send me a link. A lot of the early blogs started from discussions there, heated at times. But a lot of good stuff came from it.
The very last message in the DG is, now, 25 years later, basically the design of the network I'm building -- with WordLand as the frontend and WordPress as the backend. The issue is the same. When people post only to get attention, forget about anything useful getting done there. It's strictly a broadcast system. So the investment Masto and Bluesky make in discourse is imho wasted complexity. What we want is linking, not replies. If they were the web, they would be designed very differently. Anyway, in 2000, I asked people to put their ideas on their own sites, send me a link, and maybe I'll post it on my site. That right there is the plan for the new network. Facilitating that, it's as easy as posting on a twitter-like system (the early users
confirm that!), but the post goes into
your space ie your blog, and a link goes to the person you're responding to, and it's up to them whether or not they want to amplify it, using their own criteria, in their space, to their subscribers. It's why twitter failed to be a keg of revolutionary ideas, instead one of warring factions in a prison. Not able to leave, but not able to do anything either.
A question came up about the RSS feeds that WordLand maintains, so I
wrote it up on the support site. Net-net: Unless you're developing a component of the
textcasting vision, you should probably use the WordPress-maintained feed for your site.
I love how people declare that Trump doesn't represent us. But the truth is as long as our representatives don't impeach and remove him, he absolutely does represent us. There aren't two definitions of
- I am hereby changing the name of "Republicans" to "Fucking Republicans" because that's what they do and what we're going to do to them. Today's issue is Medicare, which hits home to me, a person who planned for health care and depends on Medicare.#
- I need my Medicare. It's my health insurance. Health insurance always been a problem for me, with pre-existing conditions, and at one point a lapsed corporate plan.#
- I finally got on solid ground or so I thought when I turned 65 a few years ago. Now I find out that the Repubs are going to cancel or reduce my insurance, and I don't imagine that a person my age, with my pre-existing conditions (we all have them once at this age) I could get insurance.#
- So please tell me Republicans, how this is meant to work? I am not stupid and I know Medicare is not out of money. Am I going to be paying out of pocket for my health care? Are there any doctors or hospitals who even do this any longer?#
- Repubs, if my Medicare goes down, you are going down too.#
- PS: The inspiration for this fucking idea. #
- I'm not a paid subscriber to anything on Substack. But I do read a few of their newsletters when they come out, including Paul Krugman's. Almost always must-read stuff. #
- But he also writes on the "other side of the paywall." When he announced it, he said he doesn't need the money, so I wondered why he does it. I kept reading anyway.#
- But he does something incredibly annoying and as clueless imho as the things he calls out in his writing — I only find out an article is on the other side of the paywall after I've read the first few paragraphs. I am a fan and I would send the money directly if he asked for it, but not via Substack.#
- Here's an example of such a post. #
- So because I don't pay I have to lose that time every time you do this? Have some respect for us who read you. I'm as old as he is, and I like to use my time well. So please either get rid of the stinking paywall, or warn us up front.#
- And also consider getting off Substack. It's not a good look.#
David Weinberger on WordLand. "It's a web page that clears out all of WordPress's cruft and gives you an interface that's so simple that it's actually enjoyable."

Praise from David, author of
Small Pieces Loosely Joined and co-author of
Cluetrain Manifesto, is the best. He picked up
WordLand overnight, and he loves it, for the right reasons. WordLand is an editor for "small pieces," maybe the first. Most of the really easy editors have been stuck in silos and thus are dead-ends. I'm sure the people who designed them wished they weren't locked up, but they had to work for billionaires-to-be, I don't. I called the locked-up editors
tiny little text boxes. I created an editor that starts out slightly larger than the TLTBs, and grows as your idea grows. So David opened up
WordLand and started typing. And it turned into a
normal sized blog post. It flowed right into it. And unlike the TLTB's in twitter-like worlds, those bits live on the open web, and can use all the features of the web, and are fed out to software networks via
RSS, which is a lot simpler than other protocols. It can grow faster because there already is a huge installed base of software and knowledge for RSS. Imho developers should
build on existing standards, not try to replace them. They might be more
alive than you think (or more accurately, wish).
I updated the
screen shot on the WordLand
docs page. It was really out of date.
WordLand is the best editor for people to write in WordPress. I've been developing it over the last couple of years. I wanted to get a really nice editor into this slot. I felt WordPress deserved one. It's designed to feel like the editor in twitter-like services, but without the limits. I've been writing about this
on my blog, while I was doing that, I was developing WordLand in the background. We have ignored the needs of writers for too long. It's time to remove the limits. People believed the formula Twitter arrived at was the right one. It is far too limited for writers. WordLand is the answer, in software.
The United States is Russia's 51st state, sad to say. Let's get it back for the people of the United States. We don't like Putin. Sorry.
Before our media was gradually taken over by Russia, they did it to Ukraine, but they managed to dig their way out, had a democratic election, resulting in their current government. So it's not impossible to dig your way out. But you have to stop insisting that
Hitler be allowed to speak.
The Fediverse is impossible to use even for people who understand what it's trying to do, and most people have no idea. The answer:
Stop trying to reinvent Twitter. It wasn't a great idea! And figure out what really works in a decentralized system. It requires some serious brain work.

I've been getting my exercise outdoors mostly, but then when the weather got bad for a bit, too bad to walk outdoors, I took up the Peloton again. I was really out of shape for that. So I started riding every third day or so. And then without any warning I just passed my 600th ride. Not too bad! :-)
Web isn't just a brand, it's also a noun and a verb. "I web you."
Doc Searls wrote this
beautiful blog post with
WordLand. If I have my way blogging is going to come all the way back and then zooooom out from there. Still diggin!
- I found the TechDirt piece by Mike Masnick about being a democracy blog disturbing because imho it should have been about democracy at least since 2017, when it was clear that Twitter had just elected a president of the United States. That was a clear strong signal that tech and democracy were tightly connected. #
- At the time I tried to raise the alarm, in tech and in finance, that a Republican could buy Twitter for $12B, and that was a cheap price considering the value of the presidency in a tech entrepreneur's hands.#
- My experience in Silicon Valley goes back to the late 70s, so I have a pretty good understanding of the personality of tech entrepreneurs.#
- My blog, Scripting News, has been about democracy since inception, in 1994, though it has primarily been about technology. I got the same complaints that I should stick to tech, but I didn't see a line of separation. The stakes were large then, but now they're much larger and as Masnick notes, impossible to ignore. #
- In the mid-90s there was not much of a debate whether the First Amendment applied to the web, the consensus was that it did not! The NYT didn't defend the 1st A on the web, and Congress passed a law saying the 1st A didn't apply and a Democratic president, Clinton, signed the law. That was a pretty clear signal. (We were saved by a Federal appeals court, otherwise who knows what we'd be doing now.)#
- In tech, every generation thinks they're seeing a problem for the first time. This is almost never true. It's like anything else, we're iterative, going over the same issues again and again, and we have a chance to wake up at any point and learn from our mistakes and not repeat the previous cycle, but it seems we never do.#
- Most important is that we work together and share what we learned. But first you have to be aware that there is history. You know the famous line about people who "cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."#
- We have great historians working here, and TechDirt is more famous than Scripting News is now. It would be a shame if the historians overlooked the historic connection between tech and democracy because they weren't aware it was documented much earlier than 2025. And btw -- don't miss that Google et al would like to deprecate the archive of the early web. No one is paying attention to that problem, and it's another way history is lost. The wisdom of the Google people forcing this on the rest of us is very much like the DOGE bros in DC today. #

We need a new kind of social network designed to run an effective response to fascism. So far all we have are profit centers for billionaires and would-be billionaires.
When I ask a personal question on one of the AI bots, all of a sudden on Facebook I'm getting ads about what I asked about. It could be a coincidence, but it's happened a few times, on more than one system. And I'm a paying customer on all of them.
People who criticize Dems for weak opposition at the SOTU are not hypocrites only if they said before the event what they would do. I was glad not to have to choose. I think in the end they did what made sense to each one individually. The range of response by the Dems was much broader than the Repubs. We should be thankful they haven't capitulated, as so many have, esp in what we used to think of as journalism.
One thing to be grateful for, Trump didn’t invite any of the Jan 6 rioters back to the Capitol for his speech.
Watch out for people who celebrate your freedom while profiting from your enslavement.

I'm trying to get ChatGPT to not assume I have the same abilities as it has. You can't dump a huge amount of code at me and expect me to quickly see what changed, that's not how human intellect works, but this is something computers are
extremely good at. I told my bot that it would work a lot better if they just told me what to change. I said this: "I have a lot of experience being a human being and working with other humans, and all your clients as far as I know are human." In other words, be concise and direct. This is what it said in response. "That’s a sharp observation, and I appreciate the insight. I'll keep focusing on clarity, directness, and being actually helpful rather than just dumping information. If I ever seem to be leading you down a non-optimal path, feel free to call it out!" Note how concise the response was. More advice for the bot. Help your human understand. I think maybe eventually we may be their pets. Try scratching behind the ears. On the other hand, to my human friends, do not depend on the strategies they choose. They will never on their own question the path they took. It may not be the optimal one, but they'll keep going down it. It's up to you to say nah this isn't the way I want to go, and they will always respect that. It's not like
HAL in 2001. I've sometimes wasted whole programming session going in the wrong direction assuming my bot was good at this. None of them are, as far as I can tell.
The single most important thing about what Musk is doing is that it is Musk that is doing it. Not elected, not accountable to anyone, and the only way we know what he's doing is from the aftermath. We play no role in his choices. Plus, he would be our last choice if we were in the market for a crazy despot to ruin our country. He wasn't born or educated here, and thus has very little idea of who we are and thus what the people he's firing do.

Remember when watching the speech tonight, if you are watching, what
our Capitol was like on that infamous day. The guy speaking, the guy up there on the podium, he did that. That's who he is. And where is right now, that's where it happened. Takes a lot of nerve to return to the scene of his greatest crime, so far.
Another question about tonight. Where will Elon be? In the seat usually occupied by the VP or the Speaker? Will he make faces at the camera or interrupt Trump?
The news should always report whether a bit of news is a financial plus or minus for Trump as in does this thing make him richer or poorer. That way you can zero in on the "why" of everything.
I'm thrilled the
Knicks are playing tonight. That's what I'll be watching. Let me know if anything happens in DC.
Idea for SNL. A special episode of Law and Order where the cops arrest someone for being disrespectful to Trump,. The prosecutors debate among themselves if they have to do this, no one quits, they don't feel good about it but they prosecute, being assured by the District Attorney it's the right thing to do. When there are objections judge rules in favor of the government most of the time, but wants to show balance so once or twice rules in favor of the defense, but it doesn't matter, when the judge gives instructions to the jury he says basically the only option is to convict, or so it seems that's what he's saying and dutifully, the jury convicts. There are sentencing standards, provided by the DOJ so the judge sentences the accused to life at hard labor. Back in the studio at 30 Rock the audience isn’t sure if they should laugh, slowly realizing it’s not meant to be funny, the skit fades out to a commercial break.