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The Importance of Navigators

Frontier 4.1 has a new feature that makes it easier to find the important places in the object database.

Navigator windows do the navigating for you. They are tour guides. We've programmed them to automatically take you to the hot spots in Frontier's object database, with an explanation of what's special about each spot.


Frontier ships with two built-in Navigators, the Main Navigator takes you to places that would interest a script writer and system builder.

mainNavigator Picture

Web Authoring

The Web Authoring Navigator takes you to special places for managing websites.

webAuthoringNavigator Picture

You can open Navigator windows from the Navigator sub-menu of Frontier's Open menu.

To use a Navigator, choose an item from the popup menu. Click on the Go There button to open the window in the object database. The Navigator window stays open. It appears in Frontier's Windows menu.

The Navigator structure is open, other people can add their own Navigators using Frontier's built-in outliner. Cmd-J to suites.navigator to see how it's implemented. People who are implementing complex suites may want to include Navigator outlines with their packages.

© Copyright 1996-97 UserLand Software. This page was last built on 5/7/97; 1:03:26 PM. It was originally posted on 9/26/96; 6:45:15 PM. Internet service provided by Conxion.