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BBEdit Scripting
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Verb Set
Frontier Site Outline
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Frontier Site Outline
We started a new mailing list to support webmasters using Frontier with BBEdit.
Many thanks to these people for their help with Frontier!
Here are seven mailing lists you can join to get help learning and writing scripts for Frontier.
We're a few days into the release of Frontier 4.2, and I'd like to invite people to send me a private email on how we're doing.
How to tell the world that your site is built with Frontier.
Employment opportunities for people who know Frontier.
Every night at 1AM an agent script runs that keeps our FTP server up to date. This page lists all the uploads.
This page invisibly includes a menu that can be displayed in your web browser's menu bar.
This page links to an archive of the source code for the Frontier website.
UserLand proudly supports the Stanford-hosted mailing list for people managing websites with Frontier.
The LTODBS is the backbone for object distribution in the Frontier scripting community.
These are the key apps that people use in conjunction with Frontier to develop web content and to manage sites.
How to bring the power of Filemaker databases to your scripting projects.
Microsoft's personal web server works well with Frontier.
A pointer to a web page that explains how to set up the NetPresenz web server to run Frontier CGIs.
Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer support compatible Apple Event interfaces.
Information of interest to CGI script writers about Apple's personal web server software. The docs on this page are © copyright 1996 Apple Computer.
Qualcomm's Eudora emailer app is nicely scriptable.
StuffIt was one of the first scriptable apps and it has one of the richest scripting interfaces.
Frontier adds over 40 essential commands to the Finder's menu bar.
The Types sub-menu makes it easy to change the file type and creator codes for a single file or batches of files.
The Backup sub-menu makes it easy to set up and manage backups of multiple projects, and because it's integrated into the Finder it's always easy to get to.
Here's a very useful command for PowerBook users or for people with more than one Macintosh
Several important commands are in the Utilities sub-menu of the Scripts menu.
uBASE is a fast flat-file database for script writers.
New stuff that makes the connection between WebSTAR and Frontier faster, easier and more powerful.
Here's the second batch of software that I'm putting into a time capsule.
Various projects that lead to where we are, dating back to 1992.
This command is so important that it deserves its own page!
DocServer is the online reference database for Frontier's verb set.
Features that aren't easily visible thru Frontier's user interface.
Frontier 4.1 has a new feature that makes it easier to find the important places in the object database.
A quick, tightly written positioning statement on Frontier, UserLand Software, the community, and related technologies.
A warm welcome to AppleScript users!
If you follow the instructions on this page you'll get a great new skill -- you'll be able to add your own commands to the Finder's menu bar.
Here's a new suite that makes it easy to run a threaded bulletin-board system on a Macintosh running a WebSTAR-compatible server.
A collection of toolkits, sample programs, C source code and documentation.
Instructions for commercial software developers on creating Install Files for Frontier script writers.
Menu sharing allows Frontier to send a set of menus to another application.
You can develop apps and UCMDs using the Outline Sharing Toolkit to make Frontier's outliner more useful.
The original printed manual, converted to a website and updated for Frontier 4.1
We document every command in each of Frontier's menus.
These pages explain the newest Frontier features and explain how to upgrade.
Frontier 4.2/Mac is a root-only upgrade.
Wed, Dec 11, 1996 at 6:28:37 AM by DW
Thu, Dec 12, 1996 at 11:04:33 AM by DW
Sun, Dec 15, 1996 at 10:14:39 AM by DW
Sun, Dec 15, 1996 at 8:01:47 PM by DW
Mon, Dec 16, 1996 at 5:36:43 PM by DW
Mon, Dec 30, 1996 at 1:26:34 PM by DW
Sun, Jan 12, 1997 at 7:08:50 AM by DW
Mon, Jan 20, 1997 at 5:46:07 AM by DW
Tue, Jan 21, 1997 at 6:28:44 AM by DW
Thanks to Daniel Berlinger at Circumtech for setting up this temporary mailing list.
Wed, Mar 19, 1997 at 11:38:31 AM by DW
Wed, Mar 26, 1997 at 8:25:58 AM by DW
Thu, Apr 17, 1997 at 9:56:50 PM by DW
How to upgrade from Frontier 4.0 to 4.1...
MacBird, New Docs, Major cleanup of the UI, what else...?
Scripts from the Finder's menu bar, the NewsPage site app, deeper website framework, WebSTAR goodies.
How to upgrade from Frontier 4.1 to 4.2...
A brief list of the new features in Frontier 4.1 with pointers to other pages.
We're pushing back the boundaries... Ye-ha!
CGI stands for Common Gateway Interface. It's an Internet term for scripts and applications that run behind web server software.
WebSTAR 2.0 supports menu sharing. Here's a test version of the shared menu for WebSTAR.
A new server application that manages a newspaper-like Classified Ads system on a Mac web server.
A tricky bit of technology that makes relative URLs transparent.
A new suite that promises to make it easier to manage a hot news-oriented website with a text editor, outliner and menu commands.
A new applet from Chuck Shotton called NetEvents provides scripting interfaces that make it easy to create client and server Internet apps that run on Macs.
Here's an excerpt from an email from Chuck on the theory of listeners.
The Unix Internet daemon manager, inetd, implemented in Frontier.
Here's how we build on the NetEvents Apple Event interface in Frontier.
Web crawler software for Frontier.
This new plug-in allows WebSTAR to read and write a Frontier-compatible object database.
Here are several new features implemented in the website framework, suites.html, in Frontier 4.2.
An introduction to building websites using glossaries, macros, templates, and object-oriented hierarchies; written by Preston Holmes.
How to customize your web server with UserLand Frontier and the CGI Framework
Here's a list of all the data types supported in Frontier.
The formal grammar for the UserTalk language.
Chuck answers a question on the WebSTAR-talk list.
DW tells his story of MacBird, starting in 1991.
Mr. Boroditsky uses Frontier to automate DTP operations.
I always liked the Frontier logo -- but I never thought of it from this point of view. Any graphic designers out there have ideas?
This email went to several scripting-related mailing lists on Mon, Jan 13, 1997.
The lead developer of BBEdit explains why he's psyched about the combination of Frontier and BBEdit.
Mr. Tanner responds to my 'How are we doing?' page.
Apple announces their intention to support CGI extensions in their server software.
Mason Hale, in a message he posted to the Mac Scripting list a few months ago during one of the "AppleScript vs. Frontier" threads.
Mason Hale is doing a big web-to-database integration project using WebObjects.
A former Apple Developer Services person talks about the history of scripting on the Macintosh.
This quote will appear in Apple's January 7 press release.
Ryan compares website building on a Mac with Windows NT.
This message was posted on the Mac scripting list on Mon, Jan 20, 1997 by dwiner@well.com.
As you learn more about Frontier, it gets more powerful.
This suite makes it easy to export the entire contents of Frontier.root to a structure of folders and sub-folders on your local hard disk.
Here are the scripts used to implement the survey.
As we port Frontier to Windows, we're learning more about which features are cross-platform, and which are not.
Frontier's built-in storage system is called the object database. It can store small objects like a user's name, the time of the last backup, or larger objects like a list of users, a standard form letter, or a table of electronic mail accounts.
Droplets are double-clickable applications that have an embedded script that runs once for each file, folder or disk icon that's dragged onto the app.
A powerful new connection! -- Now you can use Script Debugger 1.0.4 to edit AppleScript cells in Frontier's object database.
A list of the main features of Frontier 4.2 and the UserTalk language
Frontier's support of the Apple Event object model is fully integrated into the UserTalk language.
Here are the system requirements, how much memory and disk space is required, for Frontier 4.2
Frontier is a 'fat' app, it contains both 68K and native PowerPC code. If you have a Mac with a PowerPC processor, Frontier will run much faster.
A lesson in variable name scoping from a longtime Frontier user.
Preston Holmes explains how threading works in Frontier.
A system extension that connects with Frontier's clock.idleTime verb.
How to call Java code from Frontier and vice versa...
How to use List and Record data types in your UserTalk scripts.
MacBird is the newest addition to the Frontier script writer's toolkit. We're still learning what it can do.
A description of Frontier for experienced C and Pascal developers.
A quick tour of the outline-based script and menu editor in Frontier.
How to record scripts with applications that support recording.
For security and performance reasons, you may want to remove the source code of your scripts before you release them for others to use.
If Frontier slows down dramatically when saving changes, you can improve performance using the Save A Copy command.
Scheduled scripts are agents that run at a specific time.
This suite was part of Frontier 1.0, released in January 1992. There's some useful functionality here which might have been overlooked.
Frontier implements the Open Scripting Architecture, making it easy for scripting clients to hook up to the Frontier system.
Wow. It was easy. Now you can edit hierarchies of HTML objects using Frontier's built-in outliner. I think I'm going to use this a lot.
How to set up WebSTAR so it routes URLs that end with .fcgi to Frontier.
© Copyright 1996-97 UserLand Software. This page was last built on 5/14/97; 2:33:31 PM.
It was originally posted on 12/12/96; 10:39:54 AM.
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