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Scripting Tutorial
BBEdit Scripting

Mailing Lists
Sample Scripts
Verb Set
Frontier Site Outline


User's Guide
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Apple File Edit
Main Open Suites
Web Window

Menubar Outline
Script Table WP

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Special Mailing List for Frontier 4.2 Beta Feedback

Thanks to Daniel Berlinger at Circumtech for setting up this temporary mailing list.

Due to recent problems on the Frontier-talk list, a temporary list has been set up to handle questions, comments and suggestions on the new version of Frontier that's in development. If you're actively testing this software please sign up for the list.

There isn't enough bandwidth to support all Frontier-related needs. Please be respectful by not increasing the load on this temporary list. You can join the new list by sending a message to

with "subscribe" in the subject field.

Problems? Contact

Still diggin!

© Copyright 1996-97 UserLand Software. This page was last built on 5/7/97; 1:30:32 PM. It was originally posted on 12/12/96; 4:32:09 PM. Internet service provided by Conxion.