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Frontier 4.2.1 Endgame

As of 3:30PM, I've made a few small changes. NetEvents 1.0b6 is included, and it includes the new glue scripts for that version. I was playing it safe, but the consensus is that this release works well and should be included. I also enhanced the Installer script to run the importSuite script in each table that it imports that has one. So now the new suites appear in the Suites menu.

Please download and check it out. It's looking pretty good for going live with this release tomorrow. Then we can move on and dig some new holes.

The full package

You can download full Frontier 4.2.1 package from:

I know most experienced Frontier users have no need for a full Frontier install. But if you have a little time today to try it out, it would be helpful, especially if you spot some deal-stoppers. Send email to

Tomorrow morning (Wednesday) I'll replace the link on the main download page to point to this file.

I also made a few small changes to the Upgrader package this morning, they're detailed on:

If you're staying in the 4.2 loop you should download and install the new stuff. There are a couple of menu bar changes, so be sure to read the change notes carefully. Thanks!

Dave Winer

© Copyright 1996-97 UserLand Software. This page was last built on 5/7/97; 1:49:30 PM. It was originally posted on 3/18/97; 7:55:44 AM. Internet service provided by Conxion.