| An example of AppleScript syntax. |
| Hello World in AppleScript. |
| Accessing the object database from AppleScript. |
| A simple repeat with loop in AppleScript. |
| Illustrates calling Frontier verbs from AppleScript. |
| Illustrates an enhancement to db.get. |
| Adds an application to Frontier's Apps menu. |
| Adds a copyright notice at the top of each text file in a folder. |
| Adds a file to the Apple menu. |
| Use PageMaker to create a custom business card from scratch. |
| a general-purpose script for gathering aliases, see samples.basicStuff.appAliases for an example. |
| this script creates an folder full of aliases to all applications in the folder you specify. |
| Illustrates the new bit verbs in Frontier 3.0. |
| Produces an outline that mirrors the structure of a folder. |
| Turn an outline into a website. |
| Builds an outline of any table in the object database. |
| This script changes the extension of all .htm files to .html. |
| Changes all TeachText files in a folder to Microsoft Word files. |
| Shows you how to work with comma-delimited information. |
| To compile, choose Remove Source Code from the Script menu. |
| Copies all resources in the source file to dest file. |
| Counts the lines of text in a folder full of text files. |
| Creates a new suite of scripts in Frontier's database. |
| Shows you how to implement a custom dialog in Frontier. |
| visit all the files in a folder you choose. |
| Someone on the Mac Scripting list needed to do this. |
| Illustrates most of the built-in dialogs in Frontier. |
| Illustrates the use of UserLand's BarChart demo app. |
| Exports a list of objects contained in an outline. |
| Illustrates the use of file.getFileDialog and lists. |
| Illustrates the use of Frontier's built-in "fileloop" construct. |
| Shows how to pull information out of a FileMaker database. |
| Showing how to rename files in a loop. |
| Creates a folder of aliases of apps that have an 'aete' resource. |
| Finds all files with "bogus" dates. |
| Creates a calendar folder structure. |
| Creates an folder full of aliases to all applications in a folder. |
| returns the path to the nth volume. |
| this script hides the Frontier app. |
| Gathers all the color icons on all disks in a file. |
| Re-arranges the icons in the sub-folders of the Frontier folder. |
| run this script, wait, you'll see the number go up. |
| Installs or de-installs items installed by AppleScript. |
| Creates an alias of the Frontier application in a special folder. |
| Shows how Frontier's keyboard verbs work. |
| Find the 10 largest files on the system disk. |
| Shows how to launch an app or document on a remote Macintosh. |
| Deletes half the files in Frontier's backup folder. |
| Shows you how to display sizes in megabytes. |
| A quick editor script you can invoke from the Apple menu. |
| Illustrates the use of sys.browseNetwork. |
| this is how I do my big backups. |
| Finds the oldest object in Frontier.root. |
| Shows how optional parameters work in Frontier 3.0. |
| Illustrates the use of the new db.xxx verbs in Frontier 4.1. |
| Flows DocServer text thru Quark XPress 3.2. |
| this script uses BarChart to measure the randomness of Frontier's random number generator. |
| Reads a text file one line at a time. |
| Reads a picture file into Frontier.root. |
| Reads a text file created by samples.basicStuff.writeTextFile. |
| Helps out the Finder when it can't empty the trash. |
| Exports a table of compiled scripts, source code removed. |
| Illustrates the Frontier.requestToFront verb. |
| Creates an outline listing of all resources in a file. |
| Gathers all the resource of the indicated type into a file that you can edit with ResEdit. |
| Tells the Finder to quit, then relaunches it. |
| Discards changes to the frontmost window. |
| Illustrates the use of Frontier's speaker.sound verb. |
| Evaluates the contents of the clipboard as a script. |
| scrolls a message thru Frontier's main window. |
| Searches all text files in a folder for a string of characters. |
| Shows how to create a StuffIt archive of a folder. |
| Puts the names of all 50 states on the clipboard. |
| Shows how to index thru all the characters in a string. |
| A miscellaneous grab bag of string stuff. |
| create and upload a StuffIt archive of all the files selected in the Finder. |
| Creates a StuffIt archive with all files changed in the last day. |
| visits every cell in the object database. |
| Sorts a text file using the quick sort in Frontier's outliner. |
| Changes the type of a text file. |
| Loops over a folder, changing all sub-folders to view-by-name. |
| Shows how you can determine if a volume has a System Folder. |
| Resizes and places the Frontier window following standard rules. |
| Shows how to use Frontier's "with" statement. |
| Creates a text file containing the names of the 50 states. |
| This script contains examples used in the Frontier 3.0 main read me. |
| generates a list of files in your Extensions folder. |
| generates a nested list of files in your System Folder. |
| yet another folder outliner script!. |
| a cute little script, shows how for..in works. |
| This sample script illustrates the use of lists with Quark XPress 3.2. |
| this script adds two lines at the beginning of a text file. |
| From a request on the Mac Scripting list... |
| compares two folders selected in the Finder. |
| Generate 300 URLs for a Pounder run against three web servers. |
| Creates a randomly complex set of folders and files. . |
| Counts the commands in the Finder's Scripts menu. |
| Loads all image files in a folder into a table. |
| Returns a list of apps running on your machine. |
| Return true if it's something like |
| Generates a list of 100 random 8-character passwords. |
| A simple interface onto the TCP verb, whoIs. |
| run the benchmark scripts. |
| This script was generated using Frontier 3.0's script recorder. |
| This script is based on the first sample script. |
| This script was generated using Frontier's script recorder. |
| This script contains the examples used in the Frontier 3.0 main read me. |
| create a mini-database in Frontier's object database. |
| This sample script illustrates the use of records with Quark XPress 3.2. |